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Electronic File for 2023

Writer's picture: DooWooDooWoo

To have a good control of your files, both physical and electronic, it is advisable to implement indicators on customs and foreign trade regulatory compliance.

This in order to control and verify the documentation and information that is used in customs procedures.

The documents that it is suggested to review to keep the file updated and support the operations of this 2023, in addition to the vouchers or equivalent documents with their respective legends are:

I. Documents Related to the Value of the Goods

1. Manifestation of value.

• The manifestation of value is a document which is used to import merchandise that functions as a declaration which mentions the value of the merchandise that is going to enter the country.

• It must be prepared by importers, as well as transmitted by electronic means.

• It must be delivered to both the customs authority and the legal representative of the customs office.

• This format can be downloaded directly from the SAT page, in the web inputs section.

2. Spreadsheet.

Although it is also a document in which it is used to set the customs value of imported merchandise and that, like the manifestation of value, is presented to the authority, for which some points must also be taken into consideration.

• Data importer

• Details from the seller

• Company data

• Determination of the method, in this field 5 points are observed which must be selected among themselves or not.

• Price paid or payable

• Incrementable settings

• Not incrementable

• Customs value

This is based on Article 36 of the customs law, which mentions and I quote "those who import or export merchandise are obliged to submit to customs, through a customs agent or proxy, a petition in the official form approved by the Secretariat" as well as the annexes of said petition, which refers to the file that is created in each of the petitions that are made periodically.

II. Origin Certification

The certificate of origin is a document that is used to obtain preferential treatment based on the International Treaties of which Mexico is a party.

In other words, in order to export your merchandise you must request or process the certificate of origin in which you qualify the merchandise as originating in Mexico, taking some indications as a reference.

1. Correctly declare the information of the certification or certificate of origin in accordance with its instructions for filling.

• Name and address of the exporter.

• Period covered by the operation.

• Name and address of the producer, of the importer.

• Description of the goods.

• The tariff classification of the merchandise.

• Preferencial treatment.

• Country of origin.

• Company data

III. permissions

Likewise, we can also contemplate some regulatory permits, to be sure that these have the validity to protect the operations. One of them may be.

1. Eighth Rules.

The Eighth rules, is the license or permit issued by the Ministry of Economy through any of the tariff fractions of heading 98.02 of the LIGIE Tariff that allows companies to import machinery and equipment, materials, inputs, parts and components in order to obtain administrative facilities and preferential tariffs.

The companies that can apply to be beneficiaries of an Eighth Rule are those companies that have authorization to operate under the Decree establishing various Sector Promotion Programs (PROSEC), depending on the sector that corresponds, that have a IMMEX program authorized by the SE under the Decree for the Promotion of the Manufacturing, Maquiladora and Export Services Industry.

2. Prior Permits.

Prior permits are the authorization to legally import or export sensitive merchandise such as petrochemical products, used machinery, vehicles, clothing, computer equipment, and weapons, as well as materials used to make them.

The purpose of this regulation is to preserve national security and the health of the population, as well as control the exploitation of natural resources.

That is why we must have control of our files and have a correct validation of our documentation, as well as keep control and regulation of these same merchandise, all with the purpose of being as much in compliance as possible with the authority.

We inform you that this information provides general information based on the current laws and regulations, and in case of an individual report, be sure to receive advice from an expert before handling it.

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