VUCEM published Information Sheet No. 1 on February 13, 2023 through its website, informing that, as of February 13, 2023, the following procedures are available on the portal of the Mexican Digital Window of Foreign Trade (VUCEM), among others:
Initial procedures:
-240108.-Ordinary permit for the importation of fireworks.
-240109.-Extraordinary permit for the importation of fireworks.
-240116.- Extraordinary permit for the temporary export of arms, ammunition and various material for sports activities.
-240118.- Extraordinary permit for the export of chemical substances.
-240119.- Ordinary permit for the export of fireworks.
-240120.- Extraordinary permit for the export of fireworks.
-240306.- Modification to the extraordinary permit for the importation of chemical substances.
-240307.- Modification to the Notice of importation of chemical substances.
-240308.- Modification to the ordinary Permit for the importation of fireworks.
-240309.- Modification to the extraordinary permit for the importation of fireworks.
-240312.- Modification to the extraordinary permit for the importation of explosive material.
-240316.- Modification to the extraordinary Permit for the temporary export of arms, ammunition and diverse material for sports activities.
-240318.- Modification to the extraordinary permit for the export of chemical substances.
-240319.- Modification to the Ordinary Permit for the export of fireworks.
-240320.- Modification to the extraordinary permit for the export of fireworks.
-240321.- Modification to the Ordinary Permit for the export of explosive material.
-240408.- Extension of the Ordinary Permit for the importation of fireworks.
-240409.- Extension of the extraordinary permit for the importation of fireworks.
-240416.- Extension of the extraordinary Permit for the temporary export of arms, ammunition and diverse material for sports activities.
-240419.- Extension of the Ordinary Permit for the export of fireworks.
-240420.- Extension of the extraordinary permit for the export of fireworks.
We inform you that this information provides general information based on the current laws and regulations, and in case of an individual report, be sure to receive advice from an expert before handling it.
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